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| #WeAreNeighbor  |  January 10-26, 2025   |  Exchanging Ideas  |  Inspiring Discussion  |  Igniting Change

| #WeAreNeighbor  |  January 10-26, 2025   |  Exchanging Ideas  |  Inspiring Discussion  |  Igniting Change

| #WeAreNeighbor  |  January 10-26, 2025   |  Exchanging Ideas  |  Inspiring Discussion  |  Igniting Change

| #WeAreNeighbor  |  January 10-26, 2025   |  Exchanging Ideas  |  Inspiring Discussion  |  Igniting Change

The Blah Poetry Spot

8:30 pm - 10:00 pm The Blah Poetry SpotAn open mic event allowing new and seasoned poets to share their words. 3 Add to DreamList

Event Details

Write Art Out is a literary nonprofit dedicated to advancing the literary arts in San Antonio. Every Monday, Write Art Out hosts the Blah Poetry Spot at Jandro’s Garden Patio (2623 N. St. Mary’s). The weekly open mic allows new and seasoned poets to share their words and frequently features touring poets from around the world. Write Art Out also encourages poets to utilize their talents in and for the benefit of community by hosting regular workshops and drives for school supplies, clothes, food, and others.


January 8, 2018 8:30 pm - 10:00 pm


Jandro's Garden Patio

2623 N. St. Mary's

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