Environmental Dictation: Our environment dictates 95% of the choices we make as individuals.
Negative Environmental Influences (NEI); Verbal/Visual Subliminal Suggestions (VSS)
Parental Behavior Tranference (PBT); Prison Psychosis
Negative Behavior Cycle (NBC)
William Christopher Tutt, cognitive behavioral therapist 15 years, specializing in Urban Psychotherapy understanding the hood mentality and urban identity theory. Born Mobile Alabama age 49, married 4 kids, consultant for Bexar county ReCast, Gang Advisor San Antonio Crime Coalition 2012-current; Commissioner court reentry council 2010-current; published manuscript Urban Psychotherapy 2016; received Resolution from state of Texas House of Reps 2018; UFC Certified MMA and boxing trainer 2016 current; subject matter specialist for SAMHSA 2016-current.