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Same New Life – City Wide Field Day -Event Cancelled

1:00 pm - 7:00 pm Same New Life – City Wide Field Day -Event CancelledEVENT CANCELLED 1 Add to DreamList

Event Details

EVENT CANCELLED: Same New Life AHF is utilizing the City Wide Field Day as an instrument to address obesity and chronic illness in adolescents, such as diabetes and hypertension (but not limited to these). This day will transport parents back to the days of their youth and introduce their children to some of the experiences of a true old-fashioned field day. The City Wide Field Day will be an event that the family and community will enjoy, while allowing community interaction in a fun innovative environment and making a positive impact on the longevity of life. The aim is to bring unity among families, including those of diverse backgrounds and ethnicities, by breaking down walls and barriers that hinder societal growth. Furthermore, the City Wide Field Day offers the opportunity for the general community and the city’s first responders, such as firefighters and law enforcement, to mingle and interact, thereby uniting us as a city.


January 20, 2018 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Wheatley Heights Sports Complex

200 Noblewood Dr

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