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Seeds of Change/Semillas de Cambio

Seeds of Change/Semillas de CambioFree Youth Learning Workshops 1 Add to DreamList

Event Details

The Health Collaborative through the Ryan White program has partnered with Thrive Youth Center and the Mexican American Unity Council (MAUC) to offer youth learning workshops focusing on turning dreams into reality. Our youth have a dream and vision to work hard, have healthy relationships, and engage in positive activities of work, volunteerism, and pursuing education. This event will accelerate their efforts to find solid resources and increase their capacity to engage in community resources as a stepping stone to a healthy life. The event will include open mic for spoken word, community resource partners, question and answer session, and numerous interactive services. Free to the entire community.


January 19, 2019 9:00 am - 2:00 pm


Mexican American Unity Council

2300 W. Commerce, San Antonio, Texas 78207

Event Entrance Fees


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