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1 Million Push-Up Challenge

11:00 am - 1:00 pm 1 Million Push-Up ChallengeJoin the 1 Million Push-Up Challenge as we campaign for health and wellness. Our goal is to unite our community with push-ups and inspire this great city to embrace a healthier lifestyle. 4 Add to DreamList

Event Details

San Antonio is in the top 20 for most obese cities in America. Obesity is directly related to a host of sicknesses and diseases. COVID has changed  our nation with many protocols and protective measures to help but the best defense is a healthy body. Shockingly the recovery rate for those who are obese is dramatically lower than those who are not. As COVID numbers rise, our city needs to understand the value and importance of health and exercise.

The challenge will run Aug 28, 2021 – Jan 15, 2022.  The Challenge is open to everyone and mass participation is needed to reach our goal. Calling all individuals, businesses, schools, and churches. We are asking for a 4-month commitment of push-ups which would be tracked our website.

Here are the monthly tiers


  • Yellow:500
  • Blue:1500
  • Red:3000



  • Yellow:5000
  • Blue:15,000
  • Red:30,000


We will meet monthly at Hemisfair Park to maintain momentum and give updates on the progress towards our goal. We will be meeting the following Saturdays at 11:00am


September 25th

October 30th

November 27th

December 18th

Individual submissions will be tracked via social media with #1millpushupsa.

We will meet monthly at Hemisfair monthly to maintain momentum and give updates on the progress towards our goal. This Dreamweek event will include prizes and winners will be announced at the closing event at Hemisfair on the 15th of January 2022.

We look forward to your participation and cooperation.  Every push-up counts!


*****This Dreamweek event will include prizes and winners will be announced at the closing event on January 15th 


January 15, 2022 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Event Entrance Fees

Donation is encouraged

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