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| #WeAreNeighbor  |  January 10-26, 2025   |  Exchanging Ideas  |  Inspiring Discussion  |  Igniting Change

| #WeAreNeighbor  |  January 10-26, 2025   |  Exchanging Ideas  |  Inspiring Discussion  |  Igniting Change

| #WeAreNeighbor  |  January 10-26, 2025   |  Exchanging Ideas  |  Inspiring Discussion  |  Igniting Change

| #WeAreNeighbor  |  January 10-26, 2025   |  Exchanging Ideas  |  Inspiring Discussion  |  Igniting Change

The Evolution of Hip Hop

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm The Evolution of Hip HopA conversation on the evolution of hip-hip to unmask masculinity, and understand the use of hip hop as a tool for social justice. 3 Add to DreamList

Event Details

A conversation on the evolution of hip-hip to unmask masculinity, and understand the use of hip hop as a tool for social justice.


January 20, 2018 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Cafe College

131 El Paso St

Event Entrance Fees


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