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| #WeAreNeighbor  |  January 10-26, 2025   |  Exchanging Ideas  |  Inspiring Discussion  |  Igniting Change

| #WeAreNeighbor  |  January 10-26, 2025   |  Exchanging Ideas  |  Inspiring Discussion  |  Igniting Change

| #WeAreNeighbor  |  January 10-26, 2025   |  Exchanging Ideas  |  Inspiring Discussion  |  Igniting Change

| #WeAreNeighbor  |  January 10-26, 2025   |  Exchanging Ideas  |  Inspiring Discussion  |  Igniting Change

Is My Normal Your Normal?

10:00 am - 2:00 pm Is My Normal Your Normal?Is My Normal Your Normal? Prayer vs. Prescription, Women & The Myth of Perfection, Minorities and Mental Health. Its #Time2Talk 15 Add to DreamList

Event Details

An intimate talk about mental health.
Prayer vs. Prescription, Women & The Myth of Perfection and Minorities and Mental Health. Its #Time2Talk.
Our keynote speaker will be sharing her personal story about Women & The Myth of Perfection in a very unique way.
Our panelist represents a vast group of women that will be answering questions about mental health in our community, minorities and mental health and prayer vs. prescription.


January 12, 2019 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Event Entrance Fees


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