Come join the San Antonio premiere of “The Last 40 Miles,” a thought-provoking animated short film that presents a man’s final journey from death row in Livingston to the death
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Come join the San Antonio premiere of “The Last 40 Miles,” a thought-provoking animated short film that presents a man’s final journey from death row in Livingston to the death chamber in Huntsville, Texas, and his conversation with a compassionate guard along the way. The film screened at numerous film festivals in 2014 and won the award for Best Animated Short at the Maryland International Film Festival and Best Animated Feature at Louisville’s International Film Festival.
After the film, engage in a dialogue with filmmaker and journalist, Alex Hannaford, and TCADP Executive Director Kristin Houlé about the use of the death penalty and the criminal justice system in Texas. This event will use the power of the arts and storytelling to inspire conversations about important social justice issues. Alex will also share his observations, as a journalist, that cover a wide variety of death penalty issues such as witnessing an execution.