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Partner Center

Teamwork makes the DREAM work!

Our community celebrates our hosts. So we do our best to introduce them with the goal of reaching and engaging the widest possible audience.

Below you’ll find a library of resources, including logos, flyer templates, social media covers, and more, to use in your marketing materials and align with the DreamWeek identity. Not a Partner yet?

Day of Event Expectations

Thank you for being a DreamWeek partner! Since DreamWeek is just around the corner we wanted to provide you with information to assist us in helping to make your DreamWeek event a success. In addition to notifying your staff about the event, please complete/verify the following information:

  • Event:

  • Day of Event: Onsite Point of Contact:

  • Volunteers/On-site DWSA Signage:

  • Banners and marketing collateral will be placed at your event 2-3 hours prior to the start of your event. Please notify the receptionist/security to expect the arrival and placement of DreamWeek marketing collateral.

  • ○ Banners and marketing collateral will be collected within 30 minutes of the end of your event.

  • ○ Visit San Antonio would like to add your DreamWeek event to their calendar at no charge. You can register your event here.

  • ○ If you need any additional information or if there are any changes, please contact us immediately. Thank you again and we wish you success.

    DreamVoice LLC (O) 210.444.2315
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Official Partner Badge

Our dark partner badge works best on light backgrounds; the white one is made for dark backgrounds.

DreamWeek San Antonio - Official Partner 2018
DreamWeek San Antonio - Official Partner 2018

Official DreamWeek San Antonio Event Badge

Our dark event badge works best on light backgrounds; the white one is made for dark backgrounds.

DreamWeek San Antonio - Official Event 2018
DreamWeek San Antonio - Official Event 2018

Design Templates

For your convenience, we have created templates on Canva to assist with creating promotional collateral for your DreamWeek event. Click on the template you wish to use, please note, you must have a Canva account to use. A free Canva account will suffice!

Have a question about DreamWeek? View our FAQs