As we celebrate Dr. MLK, Jr. Day 2025 and the 38th anniversary of the San Antonio commemorative march—the largest of its kind in the United States, we are called to remember the Civil Rights movement as “Mission Possible: Protecting Freedom, Justice, and Democracy in the Spirit of Nonviolence.” To mark this important occasion, and the six-years plus of the Office of the Bexar County Clerk supporting and participating with like-minded citizens in the MLK, Jr. memorial marches, there is an exhibit in the lobby of the Bexar County Courthouse, 1st Floor, 100 Dolorosa, San Antonio, TX 78205. We are approaching a future time period where people with living memories of de jure segregation and “Jim Crow” laws like those of Texas and some neighboring states are passing from the scene. At the same time that the generations pass and younger people take up the struggle for inclusion and participation in our evolving multi-ethnic and multicultural Bexar County and Texas, we see a need to reaffirm our values and the promise of those earlier struggles for equality. The Office of the Bexar County Clerk shows how the national struggle for Civil Rights and the local movements for equality of opportunity and desegregation played out, and draws attention to the transformations wrought by the 1950s and 1960s to our early 21st-century present.