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Celebration Circle Sunday Morning

Celebration Circle Sunday MorningJoin an inclusive, multi-faith community with a creative approach to spirituality.14jan11:00 am12:15 pm 2 Add to DreamList

Event Details

Celebration Circle is an inclusive, multi-faith community with a creative approach to spirituality. They gather to honor and nurture the Sacred in ourselves, each other and all Creation.

What They Believe:

  • They gather to remind others of who they truly are – and who they are capable of becoming.
  • They believe there is a powerful New Story being born in the midst of the dominant culture. It’s an amazing story of love, peace, sustainability and inter-connection.
  • They choose to nurture this Story by incorporating personal insights with those offered by the major faiths and wisdom traditions: Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Native American, Taoist, and Pagan, as well as contemporary psychology, neurology, physics and the Recovery Movement.
  • They gather to experience deep connections with each other and the Web of Life through creative and co-creative expressions of spirituality. Their gatherings take a variety of forms, but share a common goal: to foster the process of conscious evolution through the sacred arts.
  • Everyone – including you and your friends and family – have something valuable to contribute to the co-creation and narration of this exciting New Story.


January 14, 2018 11:00 am - 12:15 pm



1518 S Alamo St

Event Entrance Fees

Donations accepted

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