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Colors of San Antonio (CoSA)

6:30 pm - 8:30 pm Colors of San Antonio (CoSA)Colors of San Antonio - CoSA - KickOff 0 Add to DreamList

Event Details

Colors of San Antonio (CoSA) at Raindrop Foundation is an intercultural education program for communities in San Antonio. Our aim is to provide a space for the public to learn about cultures and communities in San Antonio. We hope to create a positive atmosphere to the experiences of people from across the globe who call San Antonio home by cultivating a safe space for the art of living together, dialogue and understanding. The program is a monthly gathering with hosting different countries.
Each month, guest country present their history, culture, traditions and foods with the presence of their own community.
• Brief information about the countries
• Culture
• Food
• Traditions
• History


January 21, 2023 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Raindrop Foundation

4337 Vance Jackson #203, San Antonio, Texas 78230

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