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Colors of San Antonio - DreamWeek

6:30 pm - 8:30 pm Colors of San Antonio - DreamWeekA space for public to learn about and enjoy the culture, food, and history of communities living in San Antonio 0 Add to DreamList

Event Details

Colors of San Antonio (CoSA) at Raindrop Foundation is an intercultural education program for communities in San Antonio.
Our aim is to provide a space for public to learn about cultures and communities in San Antonio.
We hope to create a positive atmosphere to the experiences of people from across the globe who call San Antonio home by cultivating a safe space for art of living together, dialogue and understanding.
The program is a monthly gathering with hosting different countries.
Each month, guest country present their history, culture, traditions and foods with the presence of their own community.

During Dreamweek, we will host our annual gala inviting representatives of our guest countries, more than 40 countries.

• Country and community
• Culture & Food
• Traditions & History
RSVP (There is a $10 cost . Please pay cash at the door.)


January 19, 2024 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Raindrop Foundation

4337 Vance Jackson #203, San Antonio, Texas 78230

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