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DreamHour Speaker Series: Donna Guerra

DreamHour Speaker Series: Donna Guerra16jan3:30 pm4:30 pm 0 Add to DreamList

Event Details

The DreamHour Speaker Series (The Descendant Series) featuring individuals from the community who will share their experiences as descendants of African Americans and Indigenous peoples- who contributed to making America a global power – without recognition or compensation. Presentations will be focused on the lives of descendants of African American nation and Indigenous founders in America. Presenters will share their perspectives and experiences of the challenges, struggles, and successes involved with the legacy.

3:30 PM 

Donna Guerra

Donna Guerra is a certified archivist with over 20 years experience as a professional and consulting archivist, working with university, government and private archival repositories. She is an experienced researcher, an avid genealogist, and works for the preservation of family and organizational heritage and community history. She has traveled extensively to archives in Mexico and Northern Spain to further understanding of her family and regional history.


January 16, 2021 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

