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DreamHour Speaker Series: Karlos Anzoategui

6:00 pm - 8:30 pm DreamHour Speaker Series: Karlos Anzoategui 0 Add to DreamList

Event Details

The DreamHour Speaker Series is made up of leaders within the local community, sharing their experiences and their hopes for creating a better tomorrow.

  • Karlos Anzoategui,

Who is Karlos with a K?! Well I am a self made professional/ party socislite that has over the course of several decades used my hairdresser:stylist industry as the making tool to gather clients who soon join the ranks of other social personalities covering the full spectrum of professional to  high end business backgrounds! In that success of party attendance growth I’ve seemed it more worthy to turn my party life into fundraisers  to worthy causes! My legendary parties were The New Years Eve presided by WhiteParty . I no longer throw a NYE bash but instead combine a post Xmas with a pre-NYE in the 30th as well WhiteParty was passed on to the SAAF in last years event at my villa ! Life has been good to me with blessed health and happiness! I remain Karlos .





January 24, 2023 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

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