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DreamHour Speaker Series: Michael Guerra

7:40 pm - 8:30 pm DreamHour Speaker Series: Michael Guerra 0 Add to DreamList

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Michael Guerra was hired in 2011 as the Chief Development Officer and was recently designated a new role as the Chief Sustainability Officer at the San Antonio Food Bank. In this executive leadership role, Guerra oversees an annual effort to secure$200million in fundraising and food sourcing to sustain for the Food Bank’s mission. Since beginning his leadership role at the Food Bank, he has helped secure more than $2billion in funds and food to help set the table for those in southwest Texas at risk for hunger.
He also has direct oversight for the marketing, communications, volunteer management, and the farm/ranching and capital efforts of the Food Bank. Additionally, he has interim oversight for the Food Bank’s 5 kitchens and the CHEF culinary nutrition and wellness team. Michael joined the Feeding America network in 2004, having previously served as the Chief Operating Officer of the Central Texas Food Bank (Austin).


January 25, 2024 7:40 pm - 8:30 pm


In the Eye of The Beholder Art Gallery & Studio

1917 N New Braunfels Ave, San Antonio, TX 78208

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