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Holocaust Learn and Remember: La Historia de Aislamentio de un Sobreviviente del Holocausto (Holocaust Survivor’s Story of Isolation)

Holocaust Learn and Remember: La Historia de Aislamentio de un Sobreviviente del Holocausto (Holocaust Survivor’s Story of Isolation)19jan6:00 pm7:30 pm 0 Add to DreamList

Event Details

Presenter: Pieter Kohnstam (Holocaust Survivor) and Pedro González Corona

* Program will be presented in Spanish
No todas las víctimas del Holocausto pudieron permanecer en sus hogares y esconderse o esconderse a plena vista; muchas tuvieron que huir de sus hogares para mudarse a nuevos lugares. Pieter Kohnstam, un sobreviviente del Holocausto que vivía en el mismo complejo de apartamentos en Amsterdam que Ana Frank, se vio obligado a huir con su familia a Argentina. Conozca cómo el Sr. Kohnstam experimentó el aislamiento de una caminata de un año para escapar de la persecución y vivir en un lugar nuevo. Este programa forma parte de la serie “Holocaust Learn and Remember,” la cual es presentada por San Antonio Public Library y el Holocaust Memorial Museum de San Antonio. La serie se lleva a cabo cada año a lo largo del mes de Enero. El tema de este año, “Discriminacion y asilamiento en el holocausto,” se enfoca en las experiencias de las personas que se vieron forzadas a aislarse para protegerse de Hitler y el Partido Nazi.

Not all Holocaust victims could remain in their homes and go into hiding or hide in plain sight – many had to flee their homes to move to new places. Pieter Kohnstam, a Holocaust survivor who lived in the same apartment complex in Amsterdam as Anne Frank, was forced to flee with his family to Argentina. Learn how Mr. Kohnstam experienced the isolation of a year-long trek to escape persecution as well as that of living in a new place. Holocaust Learn and Remember is hosted annually throughout the month of January. This program is part of Holocaust Learn and Remember, presented by the San Antonio Public Library and Holocaust Memorial Museum of San Antonio. Holocaust Learn and Remember is a month-long series hosted annually in the month of January.This year’s theme, Isolation, and Discrimination in the Holocaust, will focus on the experiences of those that were forced to face isolation in order to avoid the actions of Hitler and the Nazi Party.


January 19, 2021 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm