“I See You” supports participants in experiencing how students confront daily challenges, barriers, and emotions related to food insecurity, poverty, bullying, and teen parenting. The activity also shares the wrap-around services and supports CIS provides to help mitigate these barriers.
Participants will grab a student station map, along with a student story card, to get started.
On the student story card, they can read the background of their CIS student. The card will prompt them toward their 1st “Choice” station.
At each station, there is a student scenario card, with two options.
After reading the options, the participant will move to the table stacked with “Emotions” boxes. They will imagine what their CIS student is experiencing in their challenges and choices.
Then they will move to their 2nd “Choice” station and repeat.
As a participant or group of participants completes all stations, there will be a debrief where participants can discuss questions for reflection and response such as:
“Were there any specific moments during the event that challenged your preconceptions or led to a change in your thinking?”
“How might you apply what you’ve learned from this event to your own work or community to promote student wellness in education?”