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In Our Own Backyard: Human Trafficking in San Antonio

5:30 pm Event OverIn Our Own Backyard: Human Trafficking in San AntonioAn examination of human trafficking as it relates to San Antonio. 8 Add to DreamList

Event Details

The World Affairs Council Young Professionals and Texas Public Radio’s GenListen present a panel discussion from experts on the important issue of human trafficking. Although the I-35 corridor is a notorious hotspot for trafficking, San Antonians often don’t realize how close the issue can come to their own neighborhoods. This program will seek to raise awareness about the tragedy that hits many in San Antonio and the United States, as well as give actionable advice on what residents of San Antonio can do to combat the problem.

Event Entrance Fees

$15 | World Affairs and TPR Members; $25 | Non-Members; $5 | Students


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