The show “Signs of Life” is the culmination of the Teen Studio Intensive’s project created using the relics of the 2018 election cycle. Under the guidance of nationally recognized artist Gary Sweeney and buoyed by his ebullient inspiration, lectures, visits and his library of excellent work, students created ransom-style notes using election signs. Messages are multi-faceted, with a myriad of sources and meanings; and the use of the election fonts makes the relevance clear- national discourse repurposed for the public discourse!
Signs will be presented at the Russell Hill Rogers Gallery in conjunction with the three exhibitions opening January 24 at Southwest School of Art, and on display through Feb. 24, 2019. After the exhibition, signs will be displayed in the same manner election signs were displayed before the elections; on fences and lawns throughout San Antonio.
Gallery Hours: Mon – Sat. 9am – 5 pm, Sun. 11am – 4pm
January 24 (Thursday) 5:30 pm – February 24 (Sunday) 4 p.m.