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By Michael Hoinski : Jan 10, 2014

In San Antonio, proponents of peace and equality dream big. Dream Week, a 12-day celebration inspired by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his “I Have a Dream” speech, is an ambitious homage. The anchor of this citywide event is a march on the final day, a longtime annual event drawing around 100,000 to San Antonio’s east side — and one of the largest such marches in the country.

Leading up to that most stalwart of traditions are a number of programs centered on Dr. King, including an oratorical contest for students; the City Year M.L.K. Day of Service; and a commemorative lecture series, with Dr. Julianne Malveaux, whom the race-relations expert Cornel West called “the most iconoclastic public intellectual in the country.” Tying it all back to San Antonio is the 1005 Faces Mixer, highlighting the photographer Sarah Brooke Lyons’s 1,005 pictures of San Antonians.

Various locations, Jan. 10-21,
